
Week 2, Day 5: SIMON ADEBISI

So, Adebisi week has so far been a spectacular failure.  Mostly because I've been caught up in a lot of too much drinking for the last few days.  I like to think of it as my "Adebisi, end of Season II" phase.  Which is better than "Adebisi, end of Season IV" I suppose.  Anyhow, I've finally gotten around to the most Adebisi of all attire:  the gravity-defying beanie.  This little bit of awesomeness was his trademark (well, that and anal rape).  And now I have one too.
As you can see, I was in the middle of dealing with a "situation".  This fucker was trying to steal my heroin.  And by heroin, I mean bacon.  Sometimes, when you're a scary mother, you gotta regulate and keep your bitches in line.  With a machete.  He won't be trying to step into my turf again.